"When we think of heroes and what attracts us to them, more often than not we come up with the colorful spandex and the super powers. But this is not what makes them heroes; these are merely aids to help them fight crime. Strip any of them of these things and you are left with just a man who decides to put the needs of others in front of his own. It is this realization that turns my focus from the alter ego to the true identity of the hero: the everyday man, who has taken on the responsibility for others, in addition to facing the same problems that we all have in society. My work continues to look at the heroes of past and present and how they relate to one another."
Shane Caryl was born and raised in Syracuse, New York, where he made a point of experiencing everything the suburban life had to offer. He attended the Rochester Institute of Technology and there he found and fell in love with glass. Under the mentorship of Michael Rogers and Robin Cass, he focused on casting and coldworking, as well as some hot shop techniques. Shane has recently moved to Portland, Oregon, where he plans to set up a studio.