I am an artist that has been working in glass for about 10 years. I first studied art & glass at Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas. After receiving my BFA I studied at Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, where I completed an MFA in glass. Since then I have worked in such facilities as; Grand Crystal(Artist-in Residence), Peitou, Taipei, Taiwan, The Museum of Glass(Lead Technician), Tacoma, Washington, & Pratt Fine Art Center(Glass Tehnician/Studio Manager), Seattle, Washington. I have also had the great pleasure of working with such incredible artists such as; Paul Marioni, Martin Blank, Dale Chihuly, Charles Parriott and most recently Maya Lin. Now I am a Fulbright Fellow studying at the Secondary School of Glassmaking in Kamenicky Senov, The Czech Republic.